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Logistics inquiry

Q: How to check the delivery status of goods?

Asia region

Taiwan region

A: Check the progress of FamilyMart pickup and payment products [Click here to view]

        7-11 Pickup and Payment Product Progress Inquiry [Click here to inquire]

Note: 7-11 waybill number needs to be added [73N] before querying

       Check the door-to-door delivery progress [Click here to view]

Singapore area:

       Singapore Logistics Inquiry Website [Click here to inquire]

Malaysia region:

      Malaysia Logistics Inquiry Website [Click here to inquire]


Overseas areas

United States region:

Contact customer service via email to help you inquire.


Other overseas regions:

Please contact us via email to help you check logistics updates


Query process:

1. First check your logistics order number on the order.
2. Enter the logistics order number in the above query website.
3. After arriving at the address, you will see the progress in the official website system.
4. Don’t worry if nothing happens. You cannot see the shipping information for your order because your local courier company does not re-enter that information. The specific situation will not be displayed until the goods arrive at the address and are entered into the system at the payment station.
5. Door-to-door logistics in some areas will call you before shipping.
6. Supermarkets in some areas will send text messages to notify you that your package has been picked up. Once you receive the text message, you can check if the shipping code matches and then pick up the package.
7. The store storage time is 5-7 days, please pick up the goods as soon as possible.
8. Hong Kong SF Express. After SF Express arrives in Hong Kong, you also need to enter the system and check the logistics on the official website. SF Express will contact you by phone before shipping.