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Transportation policy

Transportation policy

How long does it take to receive the goods? How do I notify you when payment is complete?

Answer: After placing the order, if you choose to pick it up off-site, it will take 3-4 working days to prepare the goods and send them to the logistics company. Logistics also takes 3-4 days to deliver to your designated location, so a total of 7-10 working days is required.

For remittance orders, after the preparation is completed, it will take 5 - 7 working days for reconciliation and shipment. If there is a shortage, we will notify you separately via SMS.

Will out-of-stock items be restocked?

A: Out-of-stock items will basically be restocked, which takes about 4 to 6 weeks. You can also send a private message to customer service. When products are restocked, we will send a unified restock notification via email. 

After receiving the goods, if it is found to be defective, can I return or exchange it?

Answer: If the product is defective or wrong, please contact customer service within 7 days after receiving the product to handle a return or exchange.

► Within 7 days, defective returns and non-defective returns can be processed. After 10 days, all items will be converted into shopping points

► Within 7 days, our store will pay for defective products and return postage. Our store will bear the shipping cost after 10 days.




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*Note: Just select one person to contact. Please be sure to contact us before sending. We will not accept it if you send it yourself.